What to expect?
Partnering to host an AmeriCorps EELCorps member is a collaborative effort between service sites and EELCorps Program Staff.
Service sites are responsible- with program staff- for recruiting, training, and supervising an AmeriCorps member for up to 12 months.
Service site partners can apply to host a variety of service member slots.
-1700-hour members serve full-time averaging about 37.5 hours per week.
-900-hour and 450-hour members serve a modified schedule.
The EELCorps goal is to increase environmental literacy, and EELCorps members do this by focusing on environmental education (EE). From informative hikes to traditional classroom instruction, EELCorps AmeriCorps are permitted to do a wide variety of EE!
The organizations we partner with will have a need within their community to increase their reach or EE offerings that an EELCorps member can help meet.